Saturday, May 5, 2007


Welcome to The Bedouin Lounge

These are the walls that are specially reserved for all your visual blogposts - which means that this is where you post all your photography and/or paintings.

How to Publish

Publish your posts containing paintings and photography in the Bedouins blog and select-copy-paste this line at the end of your post - More Visual Posts Here. You must do this so that I can understand that your post is meant for this section. I'll make sure, on my part that your posts are featured under the BEDOUIN VISUALS. There are no rules whatsoever.

And oh yes.... before I forget.... There's one restriction - In none of your visual media may you use colors close to ultra-violet or infra-red. The Bedouins authority have imposed a ban on them.


Share Yours!

If you feel like viewing a few more painting and/or photography blogs, visit our BLOG ARTCYCLOPEDIA section.

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